Constipation and deep toxicity can be an uncomfortable issue. Constipation is a issue I see almost every day in my office. Believe me you don’t have to suffer this issue. The solution is easy and it only takes your action to find relief.
- Drink 8-10 glasses of filtered water per day (not tea or coffee or soft or hard drinks. Plain filtered water! ) – this will liquefy the gut residue
- Take Vit C to bowel tolerance. This means keep taking Vit C till you have a movement. (no sugar or flavouring Vit C) twice/daily. If your stool is to loose cut back the Vit C – to soften & keep the stool moving.
- Take magnesium oxide to bowel tolerance. After you start to have movements regularly. Keep taking the Magnesium to the amount that keeps your symptoms away. X 2/day for peristalsis (gut movement)
- Colonics and Digestive Rest Cleanse to remove all built up toxins and old hardened fecal matter.
- Exercise – three times per week – Walking, yoga, Tai Chi, dancing etc.