Would being more productive and having a brighter clearer mind change your priorities. Could cleansing giving you an edge over your competition. In my experience in practice at our Colonic and Digestive Centre, “no time to cleanse” turns into a priority good health. What I have found is that most people that say they have “no time to cleanse” what they are saying is they have no experience with it. Even if they have a great interest, the belief is that they have not time. What I’ve seen over the years is that w

hen people do take the time to do a cleanse together with colonics, they experience a great deal of useful benefits. The first thing that most people say is, they get more done and have a brighter clearer mind. Now they are more productive and are not spinning their wheels as often. Giving you an edge over your competition. The objection of making time in their busy schedule actually disappears. Then they have a desire to make a priority for cleansing, colonics and keeping the internal body clean. Once people experience cleansing, they’re generally are sold on it! I see my clients planning on their work calendar a space for there next cleanse.
In this changing world, we have to realize it’s not the same world our parents grew up in. It’s like we’re being tricked every day, at least that’s the way I always feel. How many times do you read or hear something about a food or a damaging environmental chemical that is shocking to you? Our food production has changed; we’re eating foods today that if you saw the production yourself, you would stop eating it right away. We’re in contact with more chemicals than ever before; we eat more food today that is produced by chemicals than grown in the ground. You’re body is pushing back even if you don’t realize it. That’s why you are tired, sicker and fatter than you would like to be.